Soren Westergaard
3 min readDec 14, 2022


Fitting In Verses Overcoming Oneself?

Is a life of fitting in a life worth living?

The following passage is some of Nietzsche’s commentary on post-modern society and what mankind will descend into...

I like to call it the "hide your light or your in for a fight" culture.

He simply calls it the “religion of comfortableness.”

"The Last Man is the individual who specializes not in creation, but in consumption. In the midst of satiating base pleasures, he claims to have “discovered happiness” by virtue of the fact that he lives in the most technologically advanced and materially luxurious era in human history.
But this self-infatuation of the Last Man conceals an underlying resentment, and desire for revenge. On some level, the Last Man knows that despite his pleasures and comforts, he is empty and miserable. With no aspiration and no meaningful goals to pursue, he has nothing he can use to justify the pain and struggle needed to overcome himself and transform himself into something better. He is stagnant in his nest of comfort, and miserable because of it. This misery does not render him inactive, but on the contrary, it compels him to seek victims in the world. He cannot bear to see those who are flourishing and embodying higher values, and so he innocuously supports the complete de-individualization of every person in the name of equality. The Last Man’s utopia is…



Soren Westergaard

Leaping from shadow to shadow; carving active runes into everything that I touch...